Within a point shapefile, each point’s coordinates are stored with the shapefile under the
“shape” field. However, those coordinates are not directly readable. You can extract the
coordinates and save them into X (or longitude) and Y (or latitude) fields within the
shapefile’s attribute table. Here’s it how to do it.
“shape” field. However, those coordinates are not directly readable. You can extract the
coordinates and save them into X (or longitude) and Y (or latitude) fields within the
shapefile’s attribute table. Here’s it how to do it.
1) In ArcMap open the attribute table for the point shapefile.
2) Click Options > Add Field… then add a field with the following characteristics:
Name: X_coord
Type: Double
Precision: 12
Scale: 5
Click OK and the X_coord field will be added to the attribute table.
Name: X_coord
Type: Double
Precision: 12
Scale: 5
Click OK and the X_coord field will be added to the attribute table.
3) Right-click on the name X_coord in the attribute table, select Calculate Values… then
click Yes to the message that appears about editing outside an edit session. The Field
Calculator window will appear.
click Yes to the message that appears about editing outside an edit session. The Field
Calculator window will appear.
4) In the Field Calculator window check the Advanced checkbox then type the following
code into the text box under Pre-Logic VBA Script Code:
Dim dblX as double
Dim pPoint as IPoint
Set pPoint = [Shape]
dblX = pPoint.X
code into the text box under Pre-Logic VBA Script Code:
Dim dblX as double
Dim pPoint as IPoint
Set pPoint = [Shape]
dblX = pPoint.X
5) In the window under X_coord simply type dblX then click OK. The X-coordinate value
for the points will be written into each cell within the X_coord field.
for the points will be written into each cell within the X_coord field.
6) Repeat the procedure for the Y-coordinate by creating a Y_coord field and using the
following VBA script code:
Dim dblY as double
Dim pPoint as IPoint
Set pPoint = [Shape]
dblY = pPoint.Y
Be sure to type dblY in the window under Y_coord within the Field Calculator then click
OK. The Y-coordinate value for the points will be written into each cell within the
Y_coord field.
following VBA script code:
Dim dblY as double
Dim pPoint as IPoint
Set pPoint = [Shape]
dblY = pPoint.Y
Be sure to type dblY in the window under Y_coord within the Field Calculator then click
OK. The Y-coordinate value for the points will be written into each cell within the
Y_coord field.
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