Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spatial Join-Text to closed Polyline using AutoCAD

Spatial Join-Text to closed Polyline using AutoCAD
As same as the ArcMap, ArcGIS spatial join can be possible in autocad
Here is the trick to join the text to closed Polyline
A)     Select both layer Text and Polyline which you want join.
B)      Check before joining your polylines is closed or not, if not closed them first for getting accurate result.
C)      Now check the text properties and check the justify field where should be middle center
Now you can join the both layers.
1)      Go to Map, Object Data & select Define Object Data.
Click on New Table
Give Table Name
Add field name and select data type.
Click on Add & OK.
Here you just need to add only one field no need to more than one field.
Text data will be added in that field.
Close the define object window by clicking on Close tab.
2)      Now go to Map, Database and select Generate links

In linkage type you need to select Enclosed Text
In Data Links select Create Objects Data Records

In Table section you previously created table should be appear,
if you created more than one table previously then select the table.
Click OK.
3)      now at the command window
A massage will be prompt for asking text objects to generate link
If you want a link just for specific object, then select the text which you want to link by typing just “s” at the command window otherwise type “a” for generating to all objects.
Now wait for while, its depend on the data.

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